Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Been awhile since I posted

Well Luke keeps me busy! I haven't posted since he was born and boy has life changed! Luke is doing very well. His favorite thing to do is stand. He loves standing either holding onto the table or your hands. He has absolutely no interest in crawling and we will probably just skip that and go straight to walking. The boy, unlike his dad, is still not the best sleeper. We had one week of him sleeping through the night, but we are back to working on this. Last night I got up with him once, but didn't pick him up and rubbed his back for a minute before he fell back to sleep. He did awake again, but I didn't even go in this time. No more sleeping in for mommy & daddy. If we get to 6:30, we are lucky. So we just try and take turns getting up and playing. Luke is doing really well with food, he has tried & loves all sorts of veggies and fruits: apples, bananas, peaches, plums, blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, mangoes, zucchini, sweet potatoes, broccoli, peas, green beans, carrots, corn, apricots, avocados, and pears. He has also had some egg yolks with cheese, hummus, and guacamole. Last week he started picking up food and feeding himself so now he gets cheerios or puffs to practice with. Still on a bottle (formula, since breastfeeding only lasted 3 months), but also drinks water from a sippy cup or our cup. He loves to drink from our cups!

We have outgrown the swing, bouncy seat, and play mat. But he loves the exersaucer. At his 6 month appt he was in the 75th percentile for weight (18.5 lbs) and 95th for height (28"), so Luke is a big boy. Right now he is wearing clothes true to his size, 6-9 months, but we do have an issue with the length in the torso of some, especially one pieces.

Luke is such a joy and is a very happy baby. Sure he has his moments of crankiness and crying, but he has overall been a really good baby. It is such a pleasure to watch him learn and discover new things all of the time. He has developed his own little personality and his smile is so warm and genuine. Oh and he gives the most wonderful hugs!!

Watching Luke and Chris melts my heart. Chris has been a very hands on dad. And Luke lights up every night when Chris walks through the door.

Here are a few pics of our little guy taken last week:

Looking back at my last post and the pics of Luke from when he was born, I cannot believe how quickly time has flown by. He is growing up so quickly!

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Part 2

When we arrived at the hospital for the second time, we were put back in the same exam room. The routine went pretty much the same as the first time, back on the monitors and this time when I was examined I was just about 2 centimeters! After all this time I had barely increased a centimeter. The contractions were 3 minutes apart though and the baby was at 0 stage. They wanted me to go home again! I couldn't believe it and started crying. I was so uncomfortable. I hadn't slept or ate and was exhausted. Just when they convinced me to at least go walk around the hospital and try to drink something (once you are admitted you can't eat or drink), I got sick again. That is when they said I wasn't going anywhere and finally admitted me. My nurse in L&D was great! They hooked me up to an IV to get some fluids in me and then gave me some medicine to help me sleep through the contractions. They broke my water then too, hoping to move things along. I fell asleep for almost 2 hours, but when I woke up the contractions were even more painful! Plus I was so groggy and kept passing out between them, I didn't have the energy to talk or do anything between them. I was trying to get Chris' attention, but could barely speak, so I just shook the rail on my bed, lol. Getting to 4 centimeters was the longest part. I don't really remember anything. I know my mom and Chris were in the room with me.

Around midnight things got a lot better! I think I was finally at least at 4 centimeters then and I had slept some. At this point this is when they gave me an epidural. Can you say HEAVEN! My mom said I did a 180. I wasn't nervous at all about getting it done and the doctor who did it was awesome, it wasn't bad at all. Plus the relief was instantaneous. Now I could communicate and was alert. We still had a ways to go, but after 4 centimeters you dilate about 1 centimeter an hour. They gave me pitocin to help me along the way. At some point during this time my blood pressure dropped and the baby's heartrate dropped. They put an internal monitor on the baby and worked on getting my blood pressure up. I think it was only a few minutes and we were both fine, but I know it worried my mom. Me? I didn't realize what was happening. Around 2:30am they told me it would probably be another hour till I was fully dilated and that it would take an hour or so to push. So I called my dad to let him know. The estimate was pretty right on, it took about an hour and 40 minutes for me to be fully dilated. They told me when I feel pressure below to let them know. By this time they checked me out and the baby was at -2 stage and it was time to push! From there it all happened really quickly! They had to yell to Dr. Lieberman to get in there quickly, she almost didn't make it. I only pushed for about 15 minutes. They almost weren't ready for my little guy, it is a boy!

I never heard such a wonderful sound as his little cry. Chris cut the umbilical cord and then they handed him to me. He was beautiful! All slimy and wet, but so adorable. He weighed in at 8 lbs (although the scale actually said 7 15.5) and 21 inches. He scored a 9 on his tests and then I was able to attempt to breastfeed. All of the grandparents were in the waiting room and came in to meet him. At this point we didn't have a name. Although as soon as I saw him I knew he was Luke. He was a strong masculine name, just perfect for our little guy. But Chris and I hadn't agreed on anything yet and hadn't a chance to discuss it. So it wasn't until later that morning that we decided on the phone his name and began sharing it with all of our family and friends.

Here are a few early pictures of Luke William:

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Long overdue...

As most of you know by now - it's a BOY!!! My little guy is 3 1/2 weeks old now and I am finally getting around to posting our story. I wanted to go back and recount the actual labor & delivery. In my last post, I mentioned I was scheduled for an induction as I wasn't dilated as of my Thursday appointment. Well Friday, I woke up at 12:30am with contractions. I started timing them and they were 8 minutes apart and coming regularly. At about 2:30 I came downstairs as I wasn't sleeping, I mentioned to Chris I was having regular contractions, but didn't really wake him or anything. Let me tell you, not much is on tv at 2:30, I watched about 5 episodes of the 'Fresh Prince of Bel Air' as I timed my contractions. I even created a spreadsheet of them. By the time Chris woke up for work they were 6 minutes apart. At first we thought maybe he should go to work, so he showered, but when he got out we both decided it would be best he stay home. I showered and the contractions were now 5 minutes apart. I called my doctor and they called back and told me to go to the hospital. We arrived at Winthrop around 9:30, on the way we called my mom and dad and let them know what was going on.

Once at the hospital they put us in an exam room and hooked me up to the monitors. We were still every 5 minutes. Dr. Levine was on duty and came in to examine me. My water hadn't broke and I was still not even 2 centimeters dilated. But he said "I would definitely have this baby today". The nurse later told us he was a bit optimistic. They encouraged me to go walk around, drink & eat. At this point Chris and I didn't realize I was being discharged and told to go home. They said walking and drinking was the best thing and to come back when the contractions were like 3 minutes apart. So we ended up leaving and went to a dinner to have some breakfast. I couldn't eat a thing and every time I got a contraction had to get up and walk around the diner. I was exhausted, I hadn't slept since Weds night. After 3 bites of Special K we left and went to the Perfetti house. I thought there was no need to go home, as we would be heading back to the hospital soon. I did manage to doze off for about 40 minutes and then we went home. By this time my mom had made it down from Connecticut. So between her & Chris they timed how far apart my contractions were and for how long as I paced the living/dining room. I tried drinking water, but couldn't get it down. Either from the hormones or the intensity of the contractions, I got sick twice. I went for a couple of walks outside. On my last walk I ran into both my neighbors. The contractions were more intense and close together and I felt pressure below. I thought the baby would pop out at any minute. So when I got home, I told Chris it was time to go and this was IT!! The pain was pretty strong and I could hardly stand during them. I kept doing my breathing, it was what got me through it. So around 5:30 we left to head back to the hospital.

To be continued...

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Still chugging along...

Three days past my due date and I am still here. Very common I hear with first babies. This one must take after me, I was 3 weeks late. I don't know how my mom did it, I would go crazy! This morning I saw the doctor and they did a non-stress test, a sono, and an internal. Well there is no change, I am not really even dilated. So Sunday night I will go into the hospital to ripen my cervix and then they will induce. The induction probably won't take place until Monday morning sometime. Maybe I will go on my own before then, but I am not counting on it. Baby looks good, has dropped pretty low so it was hard for them to get a head measurement for the sono. They estimate 7 lbs 14 oz.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

EDD +1

Still here!

On Friday I went to the doctor's and I was only a 1/2 centimeter dilated. Yesterday I went again, but they didn't do another internal. The doctor said there really wasn't a point, because until I go into labor it doesn't matter how much I am dilated. They also did an ultrasound and everything look good. The estimated weight is 8lbs right now. I also had a non-stress test where they monitor the baby's heart rate. Each time the baby moves I need to press a button. Well this time the baby was not cooperating, and wasn't moving. The test took over 30 mins and the nurse had to literally shake my belly. But the baby did wake up a bit and move around. They said it was fine.

So now the plan: I go back to the Dr on Thursday morning (although we are hoping I go before that and can cancel the appt). At this appt they will again do a sonogram, a non-stress test, and an internal with the doctor. From here we will schedule an induction for Sunday night. So here is to hoping I go on my own before Sunday!

Everything is good. We are as ready as we can be, just waiting for our little bundle of joy to arrive. I feel good, the same actually. I was a bit irritable over the weekend, can that be a sign of impending labor? But thankfully that seems to have passed (at least for everyone else's sake). Just trying to keep busy and tie up some loose ends.

We know that everyone is as anxious as we are to meet Baby Perfetti. We have received a lot of phone calls of people checking in to see how we are doing and if there is any news. It is to the point if we don't answer the phone people assume we are at the hospital. I am afraid not to answer the phone & get people's hope up, LOL. It is really sweet how much people care and are excited for us!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Updated nursery pictures

Still need to put the bed cribbing together, but wanted to post some more recent pictures of the nursery.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Bouncing baby

Just came back from my 39 week doctor's appointment. They finally did an internal! But the doctor said there wasn't much progress and I wasn't ready yet. I guess that means I wasn't dilated. During the exam I casually mentioned that the baby had been moving less frequently and with less intensity since yesterday. So they had me stay to see if we needed to induce early. They hooked me up to a fetal monitor for 20 mins, during which time I had to press a button every time the baby moved. Well the baby woke up and made mommy look like a fool since it was bouncing all over the place. Later when the doctor read the results she said it was like a straight A report card and everything looked perfect. They also did another ultrasound to check the fluid, movements, measurements, etc. Everything was good and measured right on schedule. The estimated weight right now is 7lbs 11ozs. Now I am supposed to closely monitor the movements and call if it doesn't seem normal. Otherwise they want to see me again on Friday. Dr. V reiterated that they won't let me go to the 41st week, so unless I go early the baby will be born sometime next week.

I feel ready! This weekend we got a lot of the little things done. After like 8 loads of laundry everything is washed & put away. The bags are packed. Chris put together the bouncy seat (but I do need to get more batteries, everything requires batteries!), so all the 'stuff' is put together and hanging out in the dining room. We are all just patiently waiting for the baby to decide they are ready. Together we haven't decided on THE name yet, but I feel like we are much closer.

I am feeling good, although I do feel like I am getting a cold. My nose is runny and I am congested, plus I woke up with a sore throat. So I am drinking some tea and taking it easy. Also I took a nap both Sat & Sun, I am just feeling more tired lately and by 9:30/10 I am exhausted. Otherwise I feel the same I did a month ago, so who knows. Eating is becoming more difficult. I need to keep eating, but I have no room so I can't eat a lot so I have to eat a LOT of small meals. But I also need to get at least 70oz of fluid in me, so it is a constant struggle.

Tomorrow 'Nanny' is coming! She has the crib mattress and will help me set up the crib (which means more laundry today). I am also going to interview another set of pediatricians (recommended by Lisa) and have a good feeling about them. They are in Garden City.